It's near impossible to make time for your dreams, to break free from the traditional mold, and to truly be yourself, if you have low self-esteem and self-confidence. 如果没有什么自尊和自信的话,你几乎不可能会有时间去追求自己的梦想,不可能去打破常规,也不可能做真正的自己。
There are a few other backends that might exist in the future that break with the mold of the "normal" GUI toolkits. 将来还可能会有一些其它后端,它们会打破这个“标准”的GUI工具箱模型。
If you want to truly live life, to really experience it, to enjoy it to the fullest, instead of barely scraping by and only living a life of existence, then you need to find ways to break free from the mold and drink from life. 如果你想真正地生活,真正地体验生活,最大程度地享受生活,而不是勉强度日只为了生存,那么你应该想办法打破常规。
We were given explicit license to break the mold. 我们有明确的打破旧模式的授权。
Break yourself out of the mold& self image you are telling yourself you must keep. 让自己打破你正在告诉自己必须遵照的模式和自我形象。
That the future belongs to those who break the mold. 未来属于那些敢于打破陈规的人。
Violin makers are very into technique, even if they try to break out of the mold, the baroque form comes back automatically. 小提琴制造者们十分注重技术,尽管他们试图打破常规,但是巴洛克风格又会自动回来。
We need someone who can break the mold. 我们需要一个能够打破成规的人。
Fuzzy fine arts is contradictive with traditional fine arts and it will break the boundary of traditional fine arts and change its mold on the foundation of extensive conciliatory with other subjects as the development of time and culture. 模糊美术与传统美术互相对立,时代的变化,人文的变化,模糊美术必将突破传统美术的樊笼,与各学科进行广泛融合的基础上,改变传统美术的范式;
Chinese language education should break the traditional teaching mold and change its single-handed pattern, especially in facing international drastic competition and the social needs of multi-skill talented person. 尤其面对国际竞争的日趋激烈,社会对复合型人才需求的与日俱增,语文教学理应突破传统的教学模式,一改孤军奋战的语文教学格局。